Sunday, August 5, 2012

Malaysia Oh Malaysia..

as everyone knew. today is a big day. a big day for Dato' Lee Chong Wei. a big day for Badminton's fans.
aku boleh tengok sampai 3rd set, and sampai 8(LCW)-5(Lin Dan)..then, pergi terawih.
balik rumah. 
   sapa menang eh???
hopefully LCW. 
tapi aku salah. ternyata mat Lin Dan tu menang. 
it's oke LEE CHONG WEI. no matter what, you still in my heart.
sapa pulak pengganti LCW lepas ni? 
LCW is the best! 
jangan nanges are the best!!
*from : peminat setia badminton negara*