Wednesday, January 11, 2012

early marriage.

i remembered about my presentation for last two weeks.
i talked about " early marriage"
my classmates have asked me few questions. and the most interesting question is
" if you have someone in your life, do you want to have an early marriage?"

and i said " study is my first priority =) "

think it twice. betolkah apa aku cakap? hak3. actually kawen awal tu bagus di sisi agama.
one of thing yang perlu kita cepatkan dalam agama ialah perkahwinan. bagi mengelakkan maksiat terjadi. tapi saya belum cukup "matang". hehehehe. lagipun not sure who is "someone" in my future life. might be him, and might be not..sapa lah yang nak kat aku ne kan..=P .. ah, well it is not in our hand right? what i need to think right now is about my first priority......=) then, definitely about my work to repay my parents good deeds, then about marriage (^__^)\/..........tapi kalau dah sampai jodoh, tak boleh nak buat apa dah. terima aje. sapa lah yang "beruntung" sgt tu .mwahahahaha~

itu sahaja~ byebye yaaaa ^__________~

p/s : semoga Allah permudahkan perjalanan hidupku....dan semoga dapat mencapai cita-citaku
